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SEC Higher Committee for Human Resources holds its 500th meeting July 07, 2021 / 4:41 PM

08 July, 2021


The Higher Committee for Human Resources of Sharjah Executive Council (SEC) held its 500th meeting at the headquarters of the Human Resources Department in Layya.
The meeting was headed by His Excellency Tariq Sultan bin Khadim, member of SEC, Chairman of Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources (SDHR), Chairman of the Higher Committee for Human Resources, and a number of SEC members.

To celebrate the 500th meeting of the Higher Committee for Human Resources and achievements in supporting and developing government human resources in the Emirate of Sharjah, His Excellency Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim quoted His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohamed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, saying that Man is the origin of development and the basis of investment.  His Excellency Dr. bin Khadim that it is not just a quote, it was followed by plans and visions reflected in actions and steps implemented at all levels, to invest in people first and foremost.

Regulations and legislations supporting human resources have been developed, according to this vision, and all energies and capabilities have been set to develop human resources. The goal was to achieve work and social stability, and provide work environment that stimulates creativity, innovation and professional development.  Moreover, raising production rates, satisfaction and happiness to keep pace with the requirements of comprehensive development and support the renaissance in Sharjah.

According to this vision, Sharjah Civil Service Committee was established to become the Higher Committee for Human Resources, in 2016. The Committee activities continue until today.

It is a permanent committee is an affiliate to the Sharjah Executive Council, and is an official reference for decisions and regulations related to government human resources.

His Excellency Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim explained that the Committee is concerned with studying legislations related to human resources, considering submitted grievances and complaints and making recommendations in this regard. It also discusses issues of interest to a large segment of human resources in the Government of Sharjah and puts forward recommendations to ensure work, social and economic well-being of citizens. 

His Excellency Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim emphasised the Committee's contribution to implementing the decisions and directives of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah, dealing professionally with crises.

At the end of the meeting, His Excellency Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim thanked Excellencies former members of the Higher Committee for Human Resources, in appreciation of their pioneering career and distinguished contribution that affected the government work in the Emirate of Sharjah.

His Excellency Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim thanked also honoured the current members, as an appreciation of the efforts and achievements made in launching initiatives, projects and systems that contribute to investing in the human capital, as well as stimulating the continuity of developing human resources.